The Meaning of Our Worship
With the whole church throughout history and across the world, we offer praise to God in song, prayer, proclamation, and service. The God revealed in the mighty acts of creation, provision, and redemption that Scripture narrates is worthy of honor and adoration. This confession is the meaning of our worship in word and deed.
Our Style of Worship
We publicly express our corporate devotion to the Lord in a multitude of ways: sermons, personal testimonies, monetary gifts, ministry to our neighbors, and much more. But SRC especially loves to praise God by singing together.
Our worship music is a blend of a cappella (non-instrumental) singing in the tradition of Churches of Christ and a more contemporary style accompanied by instrumentation. We embrace both our musical heritage and the gifts of the musicians who are part of our church family, as both bring glory to God.
The familial atmosphere of our gatherings shapes our worship in significant ways. Warmth and openness characterize the atmosphere at SRC. We pay no attention to formalities like “Sunday attire,” and we cherish the opportunity to welcome anyone into the presence of God regardless of their background or circumstances. Jesus’s table is open to all!