Local Mission at SRC

Participation in God’s Mission

“As you have sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” (John 17:18)
We believe that the Triune God is at work in the world, and the church is sent to participate in God’s purposes. The Father has sent the Son, and together the Father and the Son have sent the Holy Spirit and, in turn, the church in the power of the Spirit. Mission is not something that happens only in faraway places. It is the nature of our life in God through Christ by the Spirit.


SRC seeks to discern God’s work among our neighbors. In recent years, the Spirit has led us into relationships with some of the most vulnerable members of our wider community: those who are homeless and those who are rebuilding their lives after incarceration. Likewise, God has called us to serve the families represented at the elementary school in our neighborhood. Our desire is to make known God’s love for all of these neighbors and to walk the road of discipleship to Jesus with any who would follow him.

The Yard

Our property includes a large, well-shaded yard with picnic tables and a fire pit where we host a variety of activities for the community. This space has come to symbolize the ministry of hospitality at the heart of our engagement with the community. So, we have named this ministry The Yard at Stones River Church. Our missional participation is not about reaching “out” to bring people “in.” Rather, as the name suggests, it is about making space to meet our neighbors beyond the walls of the church building and welcome them to share in the blessings we have received from God.


A vital part of our participation in God’s mission in Murfreesboro is collaboration with others who work to bless the community in God’s name.

For many years, SRC has collaborated with Murfreesboro Inner-City Ministry, which coordinates with area churches to bus disadvantaged children to a location where they receive a meal and a Bible lesson.